

*** Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Do'a seorang muslim untuk saudaranya ketika saudaranya tidak mengetahuinya adalah Do'a yang mustajab(terkabul). Disisinya ada malaikat yang bertugas(mengaminkan do'anya untuk saudaranya). Setiap kali dia mendo'akan kebaikan saudaranya,malaikat tersebut berkata:amin dan engkau akan mendapatkan yang sama dengannya". [HR Muslim no.2733]. Maka Do'akanlah agar yang punya website ini beserta keluarga besarnya, ALLAH jadikan panjang umur dan bertaqwa,di ampuni segala Dosa,sehat, kaya,bahagia hingga akhir usia. Dengan mendo'akan kebaikan untuk kami, insya ALLAH anda mendapat kebaikan yang sama. ***.

***saya senang Anda berada disini, dan berharap Anda sering datang kembali. Silahkan Berlama - Lama di sini dan membaca lebih lanjut tentang artikel yang saya susun. Anda mungkin akan menemukan sesuatu yang menarik ***.

***Setia Perkasa Rendah Hati***
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Membuat tanda tangan online

      Setelah lama saya melalang buana di internet baru kali ini menemukan membuat tanda tangan secara instan dan online,  walau tanda tangan untuk dipasang di akhir postingan bisa kita buat secara manual dengan cara men-scan tanda tangan yg telah kita buat lalu kita upload ke web hosting kemudian hasil dari kode hasil dari upload kita pasang pada akhir posting, tapi sekarang kita bisa membuat secara online secara cepat dan mudah dengan bantuan 
Segera  buat tanda tangan anda dengan cara
seperti langkah berikut ini :
1.   Kunjungi situsnya disini
      Setelah sampai disitu
Click Here To Start
email signatures

You don't have to register but we do recommend it for your own good. Why?

  • Have all your signatures in one place
  • Gain access to our downloads and plugins for Free
  • Manage orders and access settings that non-registered users don't have
  • Get special pricing, discounts and offers on our signature art products
  • Did we mention it's FREE? (*Static images are free, animated ones require a fee payment)
 2.   Pilih ' Using the signature creation wizard '.
      (lihat gambar di bawah

Using the signature creation wizard
Select this method if you want to get an imitation of your signature. You will have to enter the name of the signature, select the handwriting that suits you from the offered list, specify the size, color and slope of the signature and it will be ready! View examples
Draw a signature straight to the screen
Select this method if you want to draw your signature by hand/mouse directly to the screen of your computer. This is a fun and easy way to make your own signature. You can use a mouse-pen to go over an existing signature and replicate it too.
Using a scanned image
Select this method if you want to get an exact copy of your signature. You will have to write your signature on a sheet of paper, scan it and send it to us. Our designers will process the image in a short period of time and use it to create a signature for you. View examples
Create a personal font
This is a unique option that allows you to upload a special form with your handwriting. Our designers will then create your very own, unique, true type font. You can use this font in documents and thus create 100% personalized pages that looks "as if" you hand wrote them yourself.
As a bonus you will get your signature created too (static image based on scan.


 3.   Masukkan nama anda yang akan      dijadikan tanda tangan.
      Lalu klik ' Next Step > '
      (lihat gambar di bawah)

4.   Pada Step 2, klik 12 (dua belas) tab yang seperti
      terlihat pada gambar di bawah untuk memilih
      jenis atau model hurufnya. Tandai bulatannya pada
      jenis atau model huruf yang anda pilih,
      Kemudian klik ' Next Step > '

Fonts #1..10

 5.   Step 3, memilih besarnya ukuran tanda tangan.
      Kalau sudah, klik ' Next Step > '
      (lihat gambar di bawah)

Step 3. Select the size

Select the size for the signature.

 6.   Step 4, memilih background dan warnanya
      tanda tangan anda. Lalu klik ' Next Step > '
      (lihat contoh gambar di bawah)

Step 4. Select the color

Select the color for the signature.
Click to change the background color:    Trasnparent
Click to change the the text color:         
NOTE: If the preview isn't refreshing - click here

Signature preview:

Set the slope for the signature.

Finished! The signature is ready.
Your signature ID: 54489-398-86B93AFFCB9BDFDF7466347F4A77A56A 

Tweet your signature!

Please copy the ID or save this page to use the signature in future. Want us to animate this signature?
Want to download this signature?
Want to use this signature?

Here's a great and free way to share your images and photos with others:

8.   Klik lagi ' Generate HTML code '
      (lihat gambar di bawah)

Generating signature code

You can use the signature however and wherever you want to.
To add the signature to blogs, your posts on forums, to email messages, on websites, you should generated a special code to be inserted.
The following code generation wizards will help you with it:
Generate HTML code
Select this wizard if you want to generate a HTML code. HTML code is used for adding signatures to blogs, websites, e-mail messages.
Generate BB code
Select this wizard if you want to generate a BB code. BB code is used for adding signatures to forums.

9.  Terakhir, anda klik pada kalimat :
       ' Generate a code for my handwritten signature '
       (lihat gambar di bawah)

Generating HTML code

Please select what code do you want to generate?
Signature preview:

Generated HTML Code for your signature:

> Read more..>>

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